Established FAG cylindrical roller bearings nonlinear dynamic simulation model is to recognize bearing vibration characteristics of a useful tool. However, nonlinear dynamics simulation of the bearing vibration understanding more qualitative, quantitative less, for example, it is difficult to quantify the vibration of cylindrical roller bearings are given a first-order natural frequency (referred to baseband). In order to further quantitative understanding of FAG Bearing Vibration, cylindrical roller bearings in contact with the aforementioned mechanical properties and nonlinear dynamics simulation studies based on the contact mechanics and vibration theories to study the radial vibration, a clearer understanding cylindrical roller bearings radial vibration of certain essential characteristics.
Press from simple to complex ideas, contacts are given two elastomer vibration model, based on first establish a single cylindrical roller bearings Roller - Single raceway contacts and auxiliary contacts single vibration model, and then create a single roller - double double raceway contacts and auxiliary contacts vibration model, and finally to establish more contact with the entire bearing vibration model, Vice contact, resulting in a cylindrical roller bearing vibration differential equations. With this equation, this chapter FAG cylindrical roller bearing radial vibration certain characteristics, such as linear vibrations, nonlinear characteristics and natural frequency, etc., were analyzed.